Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dead legs, Plateaus, and Cramps, oh my!

It's official. I think I've hit my first plateau. I haven't been a runner for very long to know for sure, but I'm heading into week 3 of seeing no progress in times, capability, etc. I think that means I'm at a plateau. Granted, I probably should take into account that last week was shot and I didn't really focus on the training like I was supposed to. But I noticed before the break that just before the 2 mile point, I start to fall apart. That's when I start to get the dead legs and the cramps. I haven't quit out of a workout yet. It's one advantage to having OCD tendencies and an intense need to finish things once I start them. Although I must admit that having Jeff Galloway counting down in my earbuds does get annoying in those last 20 minutes of the workout. I haven't cursed him out yet... At least not outloud. So, until I see some progress I'll be out there dead legs, cramps and all. Hopefully, I'll have better news to report on Sunday when I conquer my first 5.3 mile run. Fingers are crossed that the weather holds out, because I'm heading outdoors for this one. The treadmill is making me a little bonkers.

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